Non-Deployed NCO Already Acts like Non-Deployed SNCO


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CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C. — Though Cpl. Hector Garcia is a non-commissioned officer who has never deployed to combat, it would be hard to guess it from his extreme levels of motivation, intensity, and excitability, all of which are more typical of a senior staff non-commissioned officer SNCO who has never deployed to combat. Read more

John Adams appointed to negotiate peace terms with British: 1779

"Benjamin Franklin's reception at the cou...
“Benjamin Franklin’s reception at the court of France, 1778. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

On this day in 1779, the Continental Congress appoints John Adams to travel to France as minister plenipotentiary in charge of negotiating treaties of peace and commerce with Great Britain during the Revolutionary War. Read more

It’s Time

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