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Happy #NationalSuperheroDay to #Army #Airforce #Marines #NavySeals #Navy #NationalGuard #CoastGuards #Rangers https://t.co/FhVV4VPa6o

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21 award-winning shots from military photographers

A US Marine Corps recruit shouts commands to his teammates during combat training at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot in Parris Island, South Carolina, Dec. 3, 2015.The training pushed the recruits to their limits while testing their ability to solve problems and work together as a team.
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Why America’s Military Must be Strong


The Top 50 Images of 2015

The Air Forces Thunderbirds fly over Niagara Falls

All photos taken by US Army, Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps service members.

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Image of the Day: 14 September 2015


Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor pulling some maneuvers at a demo show.

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#Stop22ADay ⚓

5 mind-blowing facts about the US military

US Marines

We are the Mighty

The uniforms are not provided by tax payer dollars. They are paid for by the troops themselves.

I am going to go over an estimated cost of what is shown by the Gunnery Sergeant in this picture. Mind you I am only showing you the parts visible in the picture, which themselves are only one of many Marine Corps regulation uniforms.
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One Chart Shows Everything The US Can Use To Strike ISIS


We’ve compiled a snapshot of the firepower the U.S. has at its disposal in the fight against ISIS.

Just about two weeks after President Barack Obama announced that he would expand the military campaign against the militant group called Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, aka ISIS, American military assets and partner forces conducted a series of strikes inside Syria’s border. Read more


Bugler plays “Retreat” for the nation.

ISIS Points Its Fear Campaign At The US Military. LOL.

Bring it.

The military community’s response to Islamic State threats on social media is a combination of “Ha!” and “Bring it.”

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Here Bullet

Inspired by War

By Brian Turner 

If a body is what you want,
then here is bone and gristle and flesh.
Here is the clavicle-snapped wish,
the aorta’s opened valves, the leap
thought makes at the synaptic gap.
Here is the adrenaline rush you crave,
that inexorable flight, that insane puncture
into heat and blood. And I dare you to finish
what you’ve started. Because here, Bullet,
here is where I complete the word you bring
hissing through the air, here is where I moan
the barrel’s cold esophagus, triggering
my tongue’s explosives for the rifling I have
inside of me, each twist of the round
spun deeper, because here, Bullet,
here is where the world ends, every time.

“Here, Bullet” from Here, Bullet © 2005 by Brian Turner.
Reprinted with the permission of Alice James Books.
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SEALs, Large Great Dane Solve Mystery Of The Phantom Oil Tanker


CYPRUS – A team of Navy SEALs and their large Great Dane have successfully solved the mystery of the phantom oil tanker, according to a spokesman from the U.S. 6th Fleet.

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What goes on at Area 51? History Q&A

Image: BWB Images/iStockphoto.com

Located in the remote Nevada desert near the dry bed of Groom Lake, Area 51 may be the most famous military installation in the world that doesn’t officially exist. Though you can see the complex’s buildings in satellite images, it doesn’t appear on any public U.S. government maps. For decades, conspiracy theorists and UFOlogists have speculated that the government uses Area 51 to experiment with extraterrestrials and their spacecrafts. Read more

Bush calls out the 99%

LM Otero / AP Photo Former President George W. Bush speaks during a summit titled “Empowering Our Nation’s Warriors,” held at the George W. Bush Institute at Southern Methodist University Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2014, in Dallas.

The 99% he speaks of? That’s us civilians! It’s OUR turn to step up to the plate. (This is why I do what I do.)  Anna

Washington CNN — In a rare public appearance, President George W. Bush delivered a serious message for the 99%: Step up.

The 43rd President, who has taken to oil painting, emerged from his self-imposed, post-presidential low-profile to urge on the majority of Americans who have not had to sacrifice for — and could easily ignore – two costly wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

“They are the 1% of America who kept the 99% safe,” Bush said of the 2.5 million military members who have served since 9/11. “While it never hurts to say thank you, that is not really the point. Read more

Spot the Sniper! 2

This evening I noticed the amount of traffic my “spot the sniper” post received so I decided to hunt down a few more images, but this time they will be in my Dropbox. They are easier to post, share and keep organized, plus I’ve allowed for the folder to be downloaded so if you’d like you can have the file as your own.  Click on the first image in Dropbox to enable the HD view, you can toggle from there.

I’m usually pretty careful when I  grab “sniper” images to share but, I believe one slipped into this group that isn’t a sniper but an ELK.  hehe  I tried to find which one it was to remove it but couldn’t find it so you may come across  it. I should give a prize away to who ever can spot the furry guy out; I’ll have to think about a reward though. So if you spot him let me know. Have fun with these. Some are real easy others not so much. I’ll keep these posts coming if the traffic warrants it.  Anna  

Click the image below to link to Dropbox. Oh, the Elk may be in this image..or a sniper.  I don’t know.    😉

Spot the Sniper 2