

I’ve added links, templates and contact information on my resource page. I will continue to add info there so be sure to go to it for any updates.


I found this post in my Google + stream this morning; take a gander at what this veteran said…  


I asked what I could do and he told me what I already knew I needed to do. I’m sharing this here because I have a favor to ask.  I mentioned this in an earlier post–we need to make some noise. We need to be a voice for our vets because theirs are not being heard. I’ve left a link below that will give you all the contact information for your states representative. Let them know we are aware of Gulf War Illness and our vets are dying (56 a day) waiting for the VA to help them. 
🙂 Come on guys and gals it’s our turn-our defenders need us, let’s not turn a blind eye to them like our government has. Show them they’re appreciated that their fight wasn’t in vain and they didn’t lose buddies on the battlefield for a lost cause. And when we begin to make this noise keep making it until we’ve seen some kind of action in the right direction. Don’t let it fall on deaf ears.
I want to thank everyone. Thank you for reading this and for the moment you took here on behalf of our veterans. Also, thank you for following my blog, it’s an encouragement for me to do more and do better.  🙂
I’ve left the link to the US House of Representatives below as well as another link where you can sign the petition to end VA backlogs.  “Over 496,000 veterans are currently without health benefits that they not only are are entitled to, but earned!”   The average wait (some over one year) is unacceptable.     Thanks again!

UPDATE:  In order to make it easier for everyone to send the appropriate information to your states representative and  help anyone who may not know quite what to say, I have corroborated with veterans to come up with a   template form.  You can link to my Google docs here or use the embedded version below. All you need to do is copy and paste in an email,  add the date, your name and anything else you may feel is important. The edit option has been disabled on the document itself, so any additions will have to be done in your email.  I thought this would be a way to help you help them. It makes the entire process quick and painless. I’ve also added a few more links. Thank you so much for your help. 🙂


US House of Representatives

End VA Backlogs

Q10 for Gulf War Veterans


I’m adding more links below.

Committee on Veterans’ Affairs – http://veterans.house.gov/contact-us

Members for the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs – http://veterans.house.gov/about/membership

Members of Congress – http://www.house.gov/representatives/


Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs – http://www.veterans.senate.gov/
Here they only have 2 options to contact the “Chairman or Ranking member”.

Senate Committee Members – http://www.veterans.senate.gov/committee-members.cfm

Senators of the 113th Congress contact information – http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm



SURPRISE: Pentagon caught in a lie over burn pits

For years, Pentagon officials have insisted that the open-air burn pits incinerating tons of garbage and other waste on U.S. bases in Iraq and Afghanistan could not be causing long-term health problems for our troops. But an unclassified memo (.pdf) dated more than a year ago and recently leaked to Spencer Ackerman over at Wired’s Danger Room indicates that the Army knew very well that the air quality, at least at Bagram Air Field in Afghanistan, could have dire health consequences for anyone living and working there between 2002 and 2010.  (May 22, 2012) 



4 thoughts on “Gulf War Illness Resources

  1. YES, shame on government! They won’t budge. As far as they are concerned our vets are collateral damage, just part of the price of war. That’s where we come in. We need to be their voice, their LOUD voice. Thank you for your comment and taking the time to read this. I appreciate it and I know our vets do too. Pass this info on, contact your states representative, send them a weekly reminder of this tragic embarrassment on our defenders. All the links are here and easy to access. Thanks again and Happy Holidays. =)


  2. I couldn’t agree with you more. Thank you for your comment. Unfortunately, the government will continue to do what they are doing. That’s why I am so adamant in what I do. We as citizens have to step up to the plate for our vets. We must be a voice for them, their pleads fall on deaf ears. No, we cannot pay their bills or give them medical care but we CAN make noise and let our ELECTED officials hear us and promise them we will not relent in our duty to care for those who defended us. All it takes is an email or two a week until resolved. I have a draft of the same letter that they receive. I don’t rewrite a letter every time. It’s as simple as a mouse click, if we all get together and do this, we will hopefully see results. Remind them that we DO have an election coming up…hit ’em where it hurts if we have to. Thanks again and please pass this information on so we can rally the troops! (civilians) 😉


  3. The least our Government can do is help our Vets get the care that they need ..They gave and risked their lives for our Country
    . now when they need help our Govt is going to kick them in the ass….common sense is to help your family first then help others…They the Govt pays Billions to Countries that are building up forces against us. Have Christians in jail. And all our money is leaving the Country. And we ate suffering here.. Our cities are going bankrupt…Now Obama Care will cost a penalty because they can’t afford the affordable Care Act…They could go to prison.. I R S is in charge. What a thought…But Veterans should get respect and help immediately when they ask for help they really truely need it….Thank you.


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