Armed Forces Day 2016

Armed Forces Day 2016

President Harry S. Truman led the effort to establish a single holiday for citizens to come together and thank our military members for their patriotic service in support of our country.

On August 31, 1949, Secretary of Defense Louis Johnson announced the creation of an Armed Forces Day to replace separate Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force Days.
The single day celebration stemmed from the unification of the Armed Forces under the Department of Defense.

To download this poster, go to the DoD ‘s website and choose your preferred  format.

This Marine Was The ‘American Sniper’ Of The Vietnam War

We Are the Mighty 

Long before Chris Kyle penned “American Sniper,” Carlos Hathcock was already a legend.

He taught himself to shoot as a boy, just like Alvin York and Audie Murphy before him. He had dreamed of being a U.S. Marine his whole life and enlisted in 1959 at just 17 years old. Hathcock was an excellent sharpshooter by then, winning the Wimbledon Cup shooting championship in 1965, the year before he would deploy to Vietnam and change the face of American warfare forever. Read more

Here’s What’s New for 2015!

Picture of a Marine walking point for his unit during Operation Macon, 1966 Vietnam. (Photo credit: National Archives)

I want to share a  plan  for Maiden on the Midway in 2015.

I will continue as I am with minor additions as they come along, and one addition I hope to run weekly through the year. This idea came to me just today so it’s still a little rough around the edges but I should have it all ironed out by the 1st of the year.

What’s it going to cover?

Here’s a  HINT:  an excerpt from  Modern American Poetry:
Read more



This was created (for Thanksgiving) after I added some images, chose a theme with audio to @Magisto. After a minute of so, this is what they came up with. It’s only a few seconds long, but it was fun putting it together. You can find @Magisto in the Google Play Store for both desktop and cell phones and an upgrade is available which allows you to upload more images, videos and it increase the length of the finished product! . Enjoy!

US National Guard: On Duty

A California Army National Guard Soldier from the 1-140th Aviation Battalion supports the U.S. Forest Service and CAL FIRE battling the Rim …

I’ve tried to cover all of the branches of our military here on Maiden on the Midway, but it seems I fell a little short. I’ve always said that each branch has their specialties that make them standout from the others but when they all work together, in tandem they’re nothing short of a fine oiled machine, everything and everyone doing what needs to be done WHEN it needs doing. I think this is just another quality that makes our armed forces a powerhouse, not to be reckoned with is. Read more

Thanksgiving Part of American Military History

After receiving permission from the farm owner, these men, attached to an airbase at Norfolk, England, invade a turkey pen to choose their annual turkey day

by TSgt.Dan Heaton

127th Wing Public Affairs 11/21/2011

– SELFRIDGE AIR NATIONAL GUARD BASE, Mich. — Times of great conflict often prompt people to great acts of Thanksgiving. The national holiday now celebrated every year with turkey and stories of pilgrims and Native Americans became cemented as an American tradition during two of our nation’s earliest and most critical armed struggles.

Days of Thanksgiving were declared during both the Revolutionary War and during the Civil War, helping to create a tradition that continues to this day, even as hundreds of Airmen of the Michigan Air National Guard serve overseas to continue to secure the freedoms for which Americans give thanks. Read more

How Three Veterans Uncovered the Iraq War’s Biggest Untold Story


John Ismay was in the business of tracking explosives and bombs in surge-era Iraq. His first week there introduced him to an open secret: Coalition forces routinely found chemical weapons, and within a month, a soldier in his unit suffered a mustard blister on his leg the size of his hand. Read more

REVEALED: Thank You Letter To Defense Contractor For Saving A Soldier’s Life



The following is a thank you letter written to BAE Systems, the defense company behind one of the popular mine-resistant ambush-protected vehicles.

Dear BAE Armaments Division,

I wish to offer my sincere thanks for the outstanding products created by your department. The armored platforms you have built have allowed our soldiers to return home safely to their families while increasing their combat effectiveness on the battlefields of Iraq. Read more

The only thing harder than being a Soldier…


Remember the sacrifices made on our behalf. 

A Veterans Day Tribute to the US Military

A Veterans Day Tribute to the US Military: Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard

In Honor of Our Veterans

Veteran's Day 2014
Veteran’s Day 2014

Every day should be Veteran’s Day…

Obama approves sending up to 1,500 more US troops to Iraq

FOX News

WASHINGTON –  President Obama has approved sending up to 1,500 additional U.S. troops to Iraq, doubling the number being deployed to help Iraqi forces fight the Islamic State.

The president also requested an additional $5.6 billion on Friday for the war against the Islamic State, in part to cover the additional deployments. Read more

Remember Everyone Deployed

Remember everyone Deployed, wear RED with your costumes! Happy Halloween!

#redfriday #fidofriday

Image of the Day: 22 October 2014

US Paratrooper

Going Down?

If anyone knows more about this photo, please leave a comment. I’d like to credit the photographer. Thanks!

Image of the Day: 15 October 2014


”My grief lies all within, And these external manners of lament Are merely shadows to the unseen grief That swells with silence in the tortured soul.”

~ William Shakespeare

click image to view in HD