In 2005, Lance Corporal Travis Williams and his squad went on a rescue mission that would change his life forever. Of his 12-man crew, he was the only to come back alive.

*I know this story (and others) is a sad one, but war is sad. We all know It’s not about medals and happy ending stories of heroism, it’s messy and ugly and there’s nothing nice about it. But…
This veterans story is  a story of heroism–in its rawest form. All of the men we’re heroes that day. 12 of them gave the ultimate sacrifice, while one carried on and now, shares their story.
If our warriors are willing to tell us ANYTHING, we really should  listen, sad or otherwise, just listen.
Read a brief account then Watch the (cartoon) video of the accounts that changed a soldier’s life.


It all started with what seemed like a routine mission. His squad loaded onto the vehicle, but when it was his turn to join them, he was asked to go on the next ride. The last thing he said to them was, “catch you guys on the flipside.”

While in route, he heard a loud explosion, which turned out to be the vehicle his squad was on. The vehicle was ripped in half, and there were no survivors.

Watch the cartoon narrated with Travis’ story and learn how he honors his friends.

Read more We are the Mighty