Hard headed Marine walks away after being shot in his helmet


Cpl. Daniel M. Greenwald an assaultman from Rockland, N.Y. assigned to Weapons Company, 2nd Battalion, 8th Marine Regiment, Regimental Combat Team 5 points at the spot where an insurgent sniper bullet hit his Kevlar helmet. The helmet prevented the round to cause any serious damage to Greenwald.

Read more: http://www.dvidshub.net/news/7793/hard-headed-marine-walks-away-shot-helmet#.UoBTwyTRf0g#ixzz2kJ0FnDz5


Construction of the Lincoln Memorial, date unknown


The Lincoln Memorial was dedicated on Memorial Day—May 30, 1922.

Years in the making, the planning and building of the Memorial would end with soldiers and civilians from all sides of the Civil War together for the dedication ceremony—joined in peace as Lincoln had wished and fought for decades before.
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What PTSD Is Actually Like According To Real Military Veterans

PTSD and the US soldier

Veterans are using Whisper to share the most intimate details of their struggles with post-traumatic stress disorder.

*NOTE: This article was published soon after the latest shooting at Army Base Fort Hood in Texas.



The shooting at Fort Hood earlier this month reignited an important national conversation concerning the prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among military veterans — particularly those who have seen firsthand the true nature of combat.
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ISIS Hit With Massive Wireless Bill After Sending ‘Message To America’


Duffel Blog
TIKRIT, Iraq — The Islamic State is rethinking its mobile carrier today, after sending a message to America that wound up costing it $73 million in overage charges on its wireless plan, Duffel Blog has learned. Read more

Image of the Day: 31 May 2015

US soldier in Vietnam

A soldier of the 25th Infantry Division, coated with sweat and grime, patrols thick jungle near the Cambodian border, Nov. 26, 1966. B-52 air strikes had driven out enemy snipers that stalled the unit for three days.

Image source