11 Most Powerful Militaries In The World

via: Business Insider

Asymmetrical wars in Afghanistan, Vietnam, and now in Syria demonstrate all too clearly that relatively small numbers of belligerents can carry out successful military operations against superior forces.

But still, firepower is extremely important. A country’s projection of power relies in large part upon its military capabilities. Successfully being able to project and wield that power is a key diplomatic asset.

The website Global Firepower ranks the most powerful in the world based on multiple factors, including available militaries manpower, total labor force, and access to strategic assets. Nuclear capabilities are not included in the calculation.

Below are the 11 most powerful militaries in the world according to the 2014 rankings click country names to see military assets data. Read more

Soldier’s Poem

Soldiers Poem

Put ’em Across!

Recruitment poster, United States Navy

Reuterdahl Navy recruitment poster


Eyes of the Revolutionary War

Revolutionary Soldier

I thought this would be a fitting post for #throwbackthursday. The image is rather eerie to me; maybe it’s the age. Below is a little history about the Soldier. I think this is a pretty cool find! Enjoy. Read more

now you see me now you dont

“Show me a hero, and I’ll write you a tragedy.”
― F. Scott Fitzgerald

Hostage rescue mission ends in disaster: 1980

Iran Hostage Crisis student demonstration, Was...
Iran Hostage Crisis student demonstration, Washington, D.C. Title devised by Library staff.(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

On April 24, 1980, an ill-fated military operation to rescue the 52 American hostages held in Tehran ends with eight U.S. servicemen dead and no hostages rescued. Read more

Navy Fighter Pilots Made This Video Of Supersonic Maneuvers

via: Business Insider

U.S. Naval unit Strike Fighter Squadron 27 released an incredible YouTube video documenting what life is like inside a supersonic F/A-18E Super Hornet.

Filmed with GoPro-style cameras, the five-minute video captures awesome footage from the inside of the jets’ cockpits as the pilots perform a series of amazing maneuvers. The video is a trailer of a longer film “Shoot ‘Em If You Got ‘Em,” which will debut at the NAF Atsugi Spring Festival on May 3.

Below are GIFs of the highlights of the video. Click image to launch slide show.

Here’s the full video:


via Navy Fighter Pilots Video Of Maneuvers – Business Insider.

Taliban ready to deal on captive US soldier?

Associated Press By DEB RIECHMANN

WASHINGTON AP — The captors of an American soldier

held for nearly five years in Afghanistan have signaled a willingness to release him but are unclear which U.S. government officials have the authority to make a deal, according to two individuals in the military working for his release. Critics of the release effort blame disorganization and poor communication among the numerous federal agencies involved.

An ever-shrinking U.S. military presence in Afghanistan has refocused attention on efforts to bring home Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who has been held by the Taliban since June 30, 2009. About two dozen officials at the State and Defense departments, the military’s U.S. Central Command, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S. Special Operations Command, the CIA and FBI are working the case — most of them doing it alongside their other duties, a defense official said.

Bergdahl’s captors are anxious to release him, according to a defense official and a military officer, who both spoke to The Associated Press only on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the case publicly.

“Elements in all echelons — from the top of the Taliban down to the folks holding Bergdahl — are reaching out to make a deal,” the defense official said.

The military officer, who said the effort was marred by distrust on both sides, said those holding Bergdahl have indicated what they would be willing to do to prove to the U.S. government that they want to deal, but that the U.S. has not formally responded to that outreach.

Bergdahl, 28, of Hailey, Idaho, was last seen in a “proof of life” video released in December. He is thought to be held by members of the Haqqani network, which operates in the Afghanistan-Pakistan border region and has been one of the deadliest threats to U.S. troops in the war. The Haqqani network, which the State Department designated as a foreign terrorist organization in 2012, claims allegiance to the Afghan Taliban, yet operates with some degree of autonomy.

Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., wrote earlier this year to Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, saying it was critical that efforts to free Bergdahl are not overcome by bureaucracy.

“Given the significance and necessity for centralized command and control, which I have been informed is little to nonexistent, I urge you to seriously consider the idea of directing an individual to organize, manage and coordinate activity that involves multiple elements of the federal government working toward Bergdahl’s release,” wrote Hunter, a Marine veteran of both Iraq and Afghanistan.

Days later, Hagel appointed Michael Lumpkin, assistant defense secretary for special operations and low-intensity conflict, as the point person for the Bergdahl case at the Pentagon. Hunter viewed that as a good step but noted that Lumpkin only has jurisdiction over the Pentagon work, not the other agencies.

A month after Lumpkin’s appointment, Hunter wrote President Barack Obama, asking him to make the Defense Department the lead on all efforts to get Bergdahl back “with the specific aim of achieving a faster resolution than can be provided by the Department of State.” He also asked Obama to name one coordinator to oversee the entire Bergdahl effort.

The State Department is leading the most publicized approach to getting Bergdahl back — a plan to exchange him for five Taliban detainees at the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

The department declined comment on Hunter’s letters and referred questions to the White House.

“The reason Sgt. Bergdahl remains a captive is because he is being held by a terrorist organization, not because of a lack of effort or coordination by the U.S. government,” said Caitlin Hayden, spokeswoman for the National Security Council.

The defense official and military officer paint a different picture.

When the Hagel’s office and CENTCOM separately learned about the Bergdahl video in December, there was confusion about who should tell the family, the defense official said. The secretary’s office ended up informing the family. That angered CENTCOM, which believed it was its responsibility to tell the Bergdahls. Neither was communicating with the other about the video notification, the defense official said.

In August 2012, Obama contacted Bergdahl’s parents weeks after they expressed frustration that the government wasn’t doing enough to secure their son’s freedom. But in May 2013, Bob Bergdahl told a POW/MIA gathering in Washington that he was pleased with the government’s efforts to bring his son home.

Navy Cmdr. Amy Derrick-Frost, a Defense Department spokeswoman, also defended the effort, saying the Pentagon was committed to the safe and immediate release of Bergdahl and saying Lumpkin was spearheading the “comprehensive synchronization” of efforts throughout the department and with other agencies.

The Pentagon is exploring several avenues to get Bergdahl released, including one that seeks to negotiate with the Haqqani network, according to an individual familiar with the government’s efforts. The person, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to publicly discuss the Pentagon’s efforts, said some government officials also are looking into ways to seek the simultaneous release of Bergdahl and four civilians, including a woman who was pregnant when she went missing, believed held by militants.

All avenues are fraught with difficulties.

In late February, the Taliban said they had suspended “mediation” with the United States about swapping Bergdahl for the five Taliban detainees, blaming the “current complex political situation” in Afghanistan. There also is some congressional opposition to the prisoner swap. According to military documents, one of the five served as interior minister during the Taliban’s five-year rule of Afghanistan and had direct ties to Osama bin Laden.

“That’s dead,” Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., said when asked about the prison swap idea. “It hasn’t gone anywhere for a couple of years.”

McCain, who was a prisoner of war in North Vietnam for more than five years, also said Obama administration officials first told Congress that they wanted to release five Taliban detainees at Guantanamo as a confidence-building measure to jump-start talks with the Taliban.

“I said that was insane … to do that,” said McCain, a frequent critic of the Obama administration who believes the government’s approach to getting Bergdahl back is in disarray. “Then it was the swap for Bergdahl. I said, ‘OK, fine. How are you going to do that?’ They never explained anything to anybody about how it would be done. … How can you get him back if you are totally disorganized?”

PFC Bergdahl
PFC Bergdahl (Photo credit: U.S. Army Alaska)

via Taliban ready to deal on captive US soldier? – Yahoo News.

You Can Trust Me Dad-1913

Norman Rockwell

Norman Rockwell 1913


William Gillis in Convoy by Norman Rockwell #art
William Gillis in Convoy by Norman Rockwell #art


Two-Man Team Who Took on Whole Army And Won

I’m getting this  out to you at the “11th hour” for My” Wednesday War Story” post. I just happened upon this story (1 of 5) about a two-man team that took on whole armies and won. (As the title suggests). I’ll share the others too but for now, read how 2 Soldiers took on the Nazi’s in WWII. The writer uses his wit so there is a comical air about the stories but I think everyone will enjoy them. (Salty language is used but anyone reading this should know, that comes with the territory). Enjoy! Read more

Navy Earth Day 2014 Tour

The Earth seen from Apollo 17.
The Earth seen from Apollo 17. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

U.S. Navy originally shared:

This is one of the coolest interactive tours I’ve seen in awhile! Leave it to Google Earth to offer us such a feature! Any of us can create our own Google Earth tour!   In the meantime check out where the Navy’s been and what they’ve been up to! Click the link below to start the tour. Enjoy!

Navy commands across the globe celebrated Earth Day April 22 and will continue throughout the month of April by participating in local activities that showcase their ongoing commitment to the environment as they support the Navy’s national security mission. Take the tour!

Canadian soldiers sleep as a flare burns over them during a special operation at Sanjaray in Kandahar Province

“Sweet dreams though the guns are booming.”
― Erich Maria RemarqueAll Quiet on the Western Front

Rest Easy warriors, your watch is over

“They are more to me than life, these voices, they are more than motherliness and more than fear; they are the strongest, most comforting thing there is anywhere: they are the voices of my comrades.”
― Erich Maria RemarqueAll Quiet on the Western Front

Sirhan Sirhan receives death penalty: 1969

Robert F. Kennedy, Cabinet Room, White House, ...
Robert F. Kennedy, Cabinet Room, White House, Washington, DC. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

On this day in 1969, Sirhan Sirhan is sentenced to the death penalty after being convicted in the assassination of politician Robert F. Kennedy. In 1972, Sirhan’s sentence was commuted to life in prison after California abolished the death penalty. Read more