Royal Australian Air Force

 Well color me happy, I found a post and some resources for our comrades in Australia! Enjoy, Mates!

Royal Australian Air Force

Military Working Dog (MWD) handlers Leading Aircraftwoman Sheri Parsons (left) and Leading Aircraftman Alex Burton along side their MWD’s Yukon and Griffin, guard an F/A-18F Super Hornet during Exercise Black Dagger 01/14. Continue reading

In April Fools Prank, Hamid Karzai Thanks American Military For Their Sacrifice


KABUL, AFGHANISTAN – In a practical joke that has been called ‘tasteless’ and ‘vulgar’ by senior American officials, Afghan President Hamid Karzai recently used the occasion of April Fools Day to sarcastically “thank” the American military for their sacrifices in Afghanistan. More Duffel Blog

The North’s Air Force During the American Civil War

Balloon barge If you thought that air warfare was reserved for a time after airplanes were invented, you thought wrong. During the American Civil War, the Union troops used hot air balloons to spy on Confederate troops.

The idea to use balloons was the brainchild of Salmon P. Chase, the Secretary of the Treasury, and Joseph Henry, the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. They suggested that the military should create the balloon corps under the command of Thaddeus Lowe to do some “aerial reconnaissance” for the Union. More balloons!

Support our vets

Fellow American citizens–

We as a country can do far better by ALL our veterans for all they done for us & they deserve for us to stand up for their rights as they stood up to secure ours.

We do not have the immensity of hardship & suffering in this country as is seen in so may other places worldwide. The very reason our freedom & rights are secured are because of the military men & women who stood up to keep those rights & freedom intact. People say they support our veterans, but a far more meaningful & sincerely supportive way to show your genuine gratitude is to CHOOSE to put that support into action. Here’s how: Go here to help!

April Fools tradition popularized: 1700

On this day in 1700, English pranksters begin popularizing the annual tradition of April Fools’ Day by playing practical jokes on each other. More trickery!