Picture of the Week: Fully Engaged

Hello all, Happy Sunday. Time to vote for your favorite image.  (BELOW)  This week, NATO photographers caught my attention with these images of US troops “fully engaged.” In each shot, something was occurring, just did, or was about to–without reading the caption it’s clear–It’s written on their faces.  I’ll feature the  winner here every week. (Sun.)

Below are this weeks choices, so  vote for your favorite. (Remember to come back every day to vote again). Enjoy

Click image to launch slide show and full captions 

This weeks winner was # 4 and will be posted on 7 June 2014! Thanks for voting

Picture of the Week: Aviation

Hello all, Happy Saturday. Well, you voted and the results are in.  The image above was voted pic of the week & is from the  gallery, “Sailors.”    Thanks for voting!   🙂

Below are this weeks choices, so have a look and vote for your favorite picture! Enjoy.

NOTE: This will be the last post  for picture of the week.  Thanks to whomever participated. 


October 2, 2013: An A-10C Thunderbolt II receives fuel from a KC-135 Stratotanker over Afghanistan. The A-10 is deployed from Moody Air Force


Click image to launch slide show

Picture of the Week: Sailors

Hello all, Happy Saturday. Well, you voted and the results are in.  The image above was voted pic of the week & is from the  gallery, “Brotherhood.”  🙂 Thanks for voting! 

Below are this weeks choices, so have a look and vote for your favorite. (Remember to come back every day to vote again). Enjoy.

Click image to launch slide show



Picture of the Week: Brotherhood

Hello all, Happy Saturday. Well, you voted and the results are in.  The featured image above got the most votes last week so its’ this weeks  pic of the week 🙂   I’ll feature the  winner here every week. Thanks for voting!  Below are this weeks choices, so have a look and vote for your favorite. (Remember to come back every day to vote again). Enjoy


Click image to launch slide show




Honoring Histories Heroes: War Memorials

I was inspired to share these from a reaction I received from a veteran on yesterday’s “Today in History” topic and the aerial view of the WWII Memorial in Washington DC.  (He was a little excited to see the aeriel). He “hinted” that he’d like to see “The Wall” and The Korean War Veterans Memorial too. Of course I obliged him posted 1/2 a dozen pictures on G+. They went over well.  🙂

I’ve had these pictures  for a couple of months of memorials not so well known; and I think this is the good time to share them here. I’ve  added the  ones I shared yesterday.  I’ve captioned most of them but will refine them in the morning, it’s late or me.  Enjoy.

Click Image to launch slide show


WWII Memorial
WWII Memorial (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Aerial view of the National World War...
English: Aerial view of the National World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
See below.
See below. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Picture of the Week

Hello all, Happy Saturday. Well, you voted and the results are in.  The featured image above got the most votes last week so its’ this weeks  pic of the week 🙂   I’ll feature the  winner here every week. Thanks for voting! 

Below are this weeks choices, so have a look and vote for your favorite. (Remember to come back every day to vote again). Enjoy

Click image to launch slide show




Navy Fighter Pilots Made This Video Of Supersonic Maneuvers

via: Business Insider

U.S. Naval unit Strike Fighter Squadron 27 released an incredible YouTube video documenting what life is like inside a supersonic F/A-18E Super Hornet.

Filmed with GoPro-style cameras, the five-minute video captures awesome footage from the inside of the jets’ cockpits as the pilots perform a series of amazing maneuvers. The video is a trailer of a longer film “Shoot ‘Em If You Got ‘Em,” which will debut at the NAF Atsugi Spring Festival on May 3.

Below are GIFs of the highlights of the video. Click image to launch slide show.

Here’s the full video:


via Navy Fighter Pilots Video Of Maneuvers – Business Insider.

Boots on the Ground: 173rd Airborne Brigade

A Show of Force.

U.S. Army paratroopers from the 173rd  Airborne Brigade have their boots on the ground in Eastern Europe. They will be performing “Military exercises” with Poland in efforts to curb Russia’s president Vladimir Putin from further advancement into the Ukraine. In honor of them I thought I would share some images of our Soldiers from the 173rd doing what they do best: Jumping out of perfectly good airplanes! 

So, here’s to our jumpers; be safe Soldiers, America supports you.

Go to images!

Here Are 19 Examples Of What It Looks Like To Sleep In A Combat Zone

A Canadian soldier sleeps while riding in an armoured vehicle in Kandahar

I’d be lying if I said I never snuggled with a dude.



When Marines initially invaded Iraq in 2003, there were no bases or bunks or nice places to sleep. It was the ground, with stars for a blanket.

The desert gets cold at night, I assure you.




The following images, will show you that troops are willing to grab a bit of shut-eye in just about any position, at any time.

Read more

Pick Your Pic

This is a great way for me to post the images I’ve  collected.  I’m a History and image geek, combine that with a Pinterest.com account and full speed ahead for me! My History board (pinterest) has grown to over 1,600 images alone–this doesn’t include my military or Navy boards, either. I have some from early American history all the way to our global presence and influences toady. So keep voting for your favorites & I’ll keep them coming, Enjoy!    😀

for the highest resolution, click image to launch  slide show.

American Civil War: The After Party

If you think about it, The Civil War is the only war in US History where the veterans gather together to celebrate the anniversaries…with the “enemy.” There’s quite a bit of difference between the enemy of 1861 and the allusive enemy we face today so this scenario will likely never take place.

With that being said, to keep with the theme of the Day, (anniversary of beginning of Civil War) I’m sharing more photos of the veterans and their families celebrating on days just like today. Enjoy! Go to gallery

Letters–20: The Armed Forces Memorial

The Armed Forces Memorial in Norfolk, Virginia is on a river that for more than 200 years carried servicemen off to war and returned them home to loved ones.  Within the memorial are 20 inscriptions from letters written home by US service members who lost their life in war. The letters have been cast in thin sheets of bronze and are scattered across the memorial as if blown there by the wind.  From the Revolutionary War through the Gulf War, each conflict is represented.  Go to gallery

Honest Abe

Here are some rare images of Abraham Lincoln, Enjoy. Click first image to launch the slideshow, it’s the best way to view! smiley_emoticons_abraham-lincoln2

UPDATE: 30 March 2014–I added the images I was able to find last night. See what Lincoln had in his pockets the night J.W. Booth fatally shot the 16th President of the United States.

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Year in Review: Official White House photos of 2013

DEC 31, 2013

Year in Review: Official White House photos of 2013

By Kalani Gordon

Look back at photos taken by official White House photographers in 2013 with commentary from Pete Souza. Read more

US Gov’t in Caricatures & Portraits

I’ve found a great website, (flickr)  with over 500 caricatures and portraits of the current US Administration &  Co. Here are a few of my favorites. The link to DonkeyHotey’s  flickr page follows this gallery. Enjoy!

Here’s the link to flickr, Enjoy!

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