‘I See You Are a Man Like Me’ Gallipoli: From foes to friends

The battle at Gallipoli is truly a unique tale – it’s a story of warring sides who became friends when the fighting ended. In total, 26,111 casualties resulted from Gallipoli, including 8709 deaths. Now, thousands of Aussies make the pilgrimage each year to commemorate Anzac Day.

No one crossing the straits of Dardanelles can miss a huge impression of a soldier on the European side of the channel. Read more

‘I See You Are a Man Like Me’ Christmas Truce of 1914

Though World War I had been raging for only four months, it was already proving to be one of the bloodiest wars in history. Soldiers on both sides were trapped in trenches, exposed to the cold and wet winter weather, covered in mud, and extremely careful of sniper shots. Machines guns had proven their worth in war, bringing new meaning to the word “slaughter.” Read more

‘I See You Are a Man Like Me:’ The Angel of Marye’s Heights

Nathan Green: – Civil War painting of Confederate Sgt. Richard Kirkland giving water to wounded Union soldiers at the battle of Fredericksburg.


American Civil War

How many of you would try to save a friend knowing it might result in your own death?

Probably some of you would.

How many of you would try to save the life of an enemy knowing it might result in your own death?

Probably very few, if any, of you would take that risk.

Yet, that is exactly what Richard Rowland Kirkland did during the Battle of Fredericksburg. Both who he is and what he did are worth learning about. Read more

‘I See You Are a Man Like Me:’ Americans and Nazis Share a Christmas Meal

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