Coup D’état: Dennis Rodman Takes Over North Korea In Violent Overthrow


PYONGYANG, North Korea — North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has been deposed in a violent overthrow led by Dennis Rodman, the former NBA basketball star who had been serving as Mayor of Pyongyang since earlier this year. Read more

The Six Most Epic One Man Armies in the History of War: #5 Jack G. Hanson

Here’s a handful of men (6) who absolutely refused to go gently, instead opting to erupt violence like a volcano onto everything around them. I’ll post their stories individually. 

#5. Jack G. Hanson

In 1951, after a year of fighting in Korea, the United Nations forces were at a stalemate with the North Korean Army and the People’s Liberation Army, led by Kim Il Sung and Mao Zedong, respectively. Read more

Here’s The Military Exercise That Has North Korea Freaking Out



A joint military exercise between the U.S. and South Korea has freaked out North Korean leadership.The annual drill, named Foal Eagle, runs from Feb. 24 to April 18 and features Marines from both countries. Continue reading

North Korea Executes Dennis Rodman

PYONGYANG — The government of North Korea announced today it had executed former NBA basketball star Dennis Rodman. Read more

North Korea Expands Air Defense Zone To Include Eastern United States


PYONGYANG, NORTH KOREA — In a move that outsiders are referring to as both daring and provocative, North Korean leader “Lil’” Kim Jong-un has announced that his country’s air defense zone will now extend 2,500 miles to the east, effectively encompassing the entire eastern United States.

This marks a substantial increase over North Korea’s previous air defense zone, which extended only as far as Los Angeles.

Speaking in a televised address, Kim laid out the new boundaries and warned of dire unspecified consequences should anyone violate North Korea’s airspace.

He added that North Korea is already keeping tabs on all flights in its new defense zone, via its integrated detection network of manned lunar outposts and motion sensors buried deep within the earth’s crust.

The announcement has already been welcomed by New York mayor-elect Bill de Blasio, who applauded North Korea’s move in the spirit of socialist brotherhood and asked if his plane could end its 32-hour holding pattern over LaGuardia.

The Federal Aviation Administration has encouraged all U.S. airlines to begin filing their domestic flight plans with North Korea, but stressed that this does not constitute any endorsement over the new North Korean zone.

The U.S. government routinely advises American carriers to comply with any foreign requirements on international flights, such as Iran and Saudi Arabia’s mandatory headscarf policy for all women transiting their airspace.

The FAA’s space counterpart, NASA, already notifies the North Koreans of every space launch, dating back to 2007 when North Korea claimed its air defense zone included the Moon and several of the outer planets.

The U.S. military, by contrast, has all-but invited the North Koreans to intervene by conducting routine training missions throughout the United States and its bases throughout the Pacific.

Analysts believe the North Korean move could raise already-high tensions between the two countries.

“In a situation like this, the possibility of a mid-air incident is incredibly high,” explained Calvin Lee, a civilian analyst at the Pentagon.

“If the Navy, for example, flies one of its aircraft out of Naval Air Station Oceana near Virginia Beach, all North Korea has to do is scramble fighter jets from its airfield near Wonsan, conduct multiple air-to-air refuelings using its advanced network of Pacific and Canadian airbases, then intercept it a mere eighteen hours later.

”In an accompanying press release, North Korea announced that it has already scrambled two of its secret invisible long-range jets twice in response to reports that an unmanned Raven drone was flying over Twentynine Palms in California.

The U.S. government has assured the general public that North Korea’s new restrictions should not impact them unless they happen to be using the Internet, which falls under North Korea’s separate cyber defense zone.

via North Korea Expands Air Defense Zone To Include Eastern United States.


Sea bag

NOTE! from duffel blog: We are in no way, shape, or form, a real news outlet. Everything on this website is satirical and the content of this site is a parody of a news organization. No composition should be regarded as truthful, and no reference of an individual, company, or military unit seeks to inflict malice or emotional harm. All characters, groups, and military units appearing in these works are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, or actual military units and companies is purely coincidental.


Korean War Timeline

1894-1895: Sino-Japanese War

February 1904: Russo-Japanese War begins

September 1905: Treaty of Portsmouth (ends Russo-Japanese War)

1905: Japan makes Korea a protectorate

1910: Japan makes Korea a formal colony.

1917: Russian Revolution. Japanese take some of Russia’s Eastern Siberian territory.

1931-1932: Mostly of their own volition, Japan’s Kwantung Army occupies Chinese Manchuria and sets up a puppet state of “Manchukuo”. America wants to return Manchuria to the Chinese; this is one reason behind Pacific fighting in World War II.

1937: Japan declares war on China.

February 1945: Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin meet at Yalta.

July 1945: Roosevelt dies, succeeded by Truman, who represents the US at Potsdam. Truman “gets tough” on communism; Stalin grabs territory.

August 10, 1945: After atomic bombs are dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Japanese offer surrender in World War II. Russian troops enter Korea.

August 28, 1945: After reaching the 38th Parallel of Korea, Russian troops stop.

October 20, 1945: Syngman Rhee makes first public appearance in South Korea after years of exile.

Summer 1947: Marshall Plan announced.

September 1947: Congress/JCS (Joint Chiefs of Staff) want to get out of Korea.

September 1947: Cominform (Communist Information Bureau) founded in Soviet Union.

November 14, 1947: UN passes American resolution calling for free elections in Korea.

May 10, 1948: Korean Election Day.

June 24, 1948: Berlin Blockade

September 9, 1948: In North Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (PRK) proclaimed.

January 12, 1949: Dean Acheson speech to National Press Club Says South Korea not a vital part of US defense perimeter in Asia.

January 19, 1949: Korean Aid Bill fails to pass the House of Representatives.

April 4, 1949: NATO Pact signed

September 1949: “Joe One”; Soviets test their first A-bomb–the arms race begins.tumblr_m4jztwBKZG1ruwl59o1_500

October 2, 1949: Mao Zedong proclaimed PRC (People’s Republic of China).

January 14, 1950: Ho Chi Minh proclaims DRV (Democratic Republic of Vietnam).

April 25, 1950: Truman approves NSC-68

May 30, 1950: In South Korea, Republic Of Korea elections. Many conservatives ousted by moderates.

June 25, 1950: North Korea crosses the 38th Parallel, invading South Korea.

June 25, 1950: First Blair House meeting.

June 26, 1950: North Korea’s tanks reach the outskirts of Seoul.

June 27, 1950: Truman commits US Naval and Air support to South Korea.

June 27, 1950: American Delegate asks UN to furnish assistance to ROK (Republic of Korea) to restore international peace.

June 29, 1950: General MacArthur flies to South Korean headquarters at Suwon.

June 30, 1950: Truman and advisers agree to give MacArthur 2 divisions.

July 2, 1950: NKPA (North Korean People’s Army) takes Suwon.

July 22, 1950: Communist Chinese attack Nationalist Chinese islands, Quemoy and Little Quemoy.

July 29, 1950: MacArthur visits Formosa, home of the Nationalist Chinese defeated by Mao.

August 17, 1950: US announces in UN its goal of a unified, anti-Communist Korea.

August 27, 1950: US planes accidentally attack Manchurian airfields.

September 11, 1950: Truman approves NSC-81/1.

September 15, 1950: With US/UN/ROK forces pushed back nearly to the end of the Korean peninsula, MacArthur launches the Inchon Invasion.

September 27, 1950: Walker’s Eighth Army makes contact with X Corps. MacArthur gives OK for US forces to cross the 38th Parallel.

September 29, 1950: Syngman Rhee’s government ceremonially restored in reconquered Seoul.

October 9, 1950: US Army crosses 38TH Parallel near Kaesong.

October 15, 1950: Wake Island Meeting

October 19, 1950: US forces occupy Pyongyang

October 24, 1950: MacArthur orders his troops into Korea’s northernmost provinces.

October 25, 1950: South Korean ROK forces annihilated by PRC (People’s Republic of China) forces at Pukchin.

November 1, 1950: First US vs. Communist Chinese fighting at Unsan

November 3, 1950: UN resolution passed, censuring North Korea for “breach of peace”

November 7, 1950: Congressional Elections in US, seen as a referendum on Truman’s policy.

November 27, 1950: US Marines/Infantry surrounded by Chinese Communist forces at Chosin Reservoir.

November 30, 1950: In press conference, Truman admits US may be considering using A-Bomb.

December 15, 1950: Truman declares a state of national emergency.

January 4, 1951: Ridgway evacuates Seoul, withdraws from Inchon

January 25, 1951: Operation Thunderbolt. US/UN/ROK forces go back on the offensive.

February 1, 1951: UN censures People’s Republic of China for “aggression”

February 1951: Operation Killer begun.

March 7, 1951: Ridgway launches Operation Ripper.

March 15, 1951: US/UN/ROK forces retake Seoul.

March 24, 1951: MacArthur unilaterally issues an ultimatum to the People’s Republic of China.

April 4, 1951: Congress endorses NATO, sends Eisenhower to head unified NATO command.

April 5, 1951: Operation Rugged.

April 5, 1951: Truman dismisses MacArthur from command.

May 3, 1951 to June 25, 1951: Senate Foreign Relations Committee investigates MacArthur’s dismissal.

April 14, 1951: Gen. James Van Fleet assumes tactical command of Eighth Army.

April 22, 1951: All-out Communist offensive fails to retake Seoul.

May 15, 1951: Another Communist offensive, again fails to take territory.

May 18, 1951: Ridgway launches counteroffensive.

May 18, 1951: UN nations start military goods boycott of the People Republic of China.

May 30, 1951: Operation Piledriver, an offensive against the Iron Triangle, begins.

June 30, 1951: Ridgway broadcasts first American overture for peace talks.

July 8, 1951: Peace talks begin at Kaesong.

August 19, 1951: Communists accuse UN forces of violating the Kaesong area, suspend the talks.

October 25, 1951: Peace talks resume at Panmunjom.

March 29, 1952: Truman announces he will not run for reelection.

April 11, 1952: Truman relieves Eisenhower of command so he can run for President.

June 1952: Washington authorizes bombing Korean power plants on the Yalu river.

July 11, 1952: US air attack on Pyongyang.

August 5, 1952: Rhee wins another clearly rigged election.

November 4, 1952: Eisenhower wins Presidential election in landslide.

November 29, 1952: Eisenhower secretly goes to Korea on fact-finding mission

February 11, 1953: Eisenhower replaces the frustrated Van Fleet with Lt. Gen. Maxwell Taylor.

April 16, 1953: Communists attack “Pork Chop Hill”

April 26, 1953: Talks resume at Panmunjom.

June 8, 1953: “Terms of Reference,” regulating POW repatriation, signed.

July 19, 1953: Delegates reach agreement at Panmunjom.

July 27, 1953: Peace Treaty signed at Panmunjom. 38th parallel reset as boundary between communist North and anti-communist South. Cold War tensions continue unabated. Gen. Mark W. Clark says he has “the unenviable distinction of being the first US Army commander to sign an armistice without victory.”