Image of the Day: 31 December 2014


A-10 squadron

Image via US Air Force

Image of the Day: 30 December 2014


An Afghan girl greets a joint patrol of US troops from the Charlie Company, 2-87 Infantry, 3rd Brigade Combat Team and Afghan National Army soldiers at Kandalay village in the southern Afghan province of Kandahar, Afghanistan.

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Histury Unhitched: Bill Overstreet


Today we share with you the story of Bill Overstreet who, while in WWII, flew underneath the Eiffel Tower during a dogfight with a German Bf 109.

HEY American!

North Vietnamese Inducement to persuade GIs to desert. I’d like to see how they’d have brokered their proffered “safe haven” in Europe deal. A “Sex sells” piece of propaganda is the above, a North Vietnamese flier aimed at inducing American soldiers to defect, although I’m doubt the North Vietnamese would have followed through with these particular inducements.


 WOW, now I’ve seen everything. I think. 

The Cold War: Fear Sparked the US to Conduct Classified Experiments


In the 1950s and 1960s, the U.S. government was extremely worried about the impact of biological attacks on urban centers in the United States. In order to assess how widespread the damage of attacks on such sensitive and population-dense areas would be, they went to great lengths to conduct classified studies on large population centers.

In 1966, the U.S. Army released enormous amounts of aerosolized (but harmless)Bacillus globigii (also known as Bacillus subtilis) into the New York City subway system. Bacillus globigii is a gram-positive, catalase-positive bacteria commonly found in soil samples and, outside of cases where a patient has a severely compromised immune system, is completely harmless. After each release in the test, agents from the Army would study the subway platforms at set intervals to determine how long the bacteria survived, how long the area remained contaminated, and how many people would have been affected if the released substance was deadly.


The subway experiments were repeated in Chicago and were only one of over 200 different studies conducted across the U.S. during that time period.

Read more about this here

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Image of the Day: 29 December 2015


US Marines, Afghanistan.  hand in hand with an Afghan boy. This young boy knows nothing but war. Its been this way for over 30 years in Afghanistan. I think peace would receive a warm welcome.


Battle Buddies, Vietnam

Sgt. Spano and Lobo, Da Nang, Vietnam, August 1968 by Marine Corps Archives Special Collections, via Flickr. One of a series of official Marine Corps photographs of Sgt. Spano and his War Dog Lobo completing a parachute jump in Da Nang, Vietnam, August 1968. The caption reads “Away they go—Spano and Lobo dive out of the plane for the long awaited jump.” From the Jonathan F. Abel Collection (COLL/3611), United States Marine Corps Archives Special Collections OFFICIAL USMC PHOTOGRAPH
Sgt. Spano and Lobo, Da Nang, Vietnam, August 1968 by Marine Corps Archives & Special Collections, via Flickr
Sgt. Spano and Lobo, Da Nang, Vietnam, August 1968: One of a series of official Marine Corps photographs of Sgt. Spano and his War Dog Lobo completing a parachute jump in Da Nang, Vietnam, August 1968.

Vietnam war

America’s first Labor Day: 1869

The Knights of Labor, a labor union of tailors in Philadelphia, hold the first Labor Day ceremonies in American history. The Knights of Labor was established as a secret society of Pennsylvanian tailors earlier in the year and later grew into a national body that played an important role in the labor movement of the late 19th century.

The first annual observance of Labor Day was organized by the American Federation of Labor in 1884, which resolved in a convention in Chicago that “the first Monday in September be set aside as a laborer’s national holiday.” In 1887, Oregon became the first state to designate Labor Day a holiday, and in 1894 Congress designated the first Monday in September a legal holiday for all federal employees and the residents of the District of Columbia.


Fact Check We strive for accuracy and fairness. But if you see something that doesn’t look right, contact us!

via America’s first Labor Day — This Day in History — 12/28/1869.

How The Sergeant Major Stole Christmas

Duffel Blog

Video produced by We Are The Mighty

Every Troop
Down in Troop-ville
Liked Christmas a lot …

But the Sergeant Major
Ensconced in his office
Did NOT! Read more

Image of the Day: 28 December 2014


U.S. Marine Lance Cpl. Tom Morton, a 23-year-old team leader with 3rd Platoon, Kilo Company, 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, and native of Nashville, Tenn., hands an Afghan child a toy during a security patrol here.

Operation Rolling Thunder

This will be part of #Vietnam50Years tribute.2015 marks the 50th anniversary of direct US involvement in the Vietnam war. Each of the posts will have the above hashtag attributed to them. Here’s the link to the post that explains my [rough draft] plan for the event. Tonight, we’ll begin with the campaign that was only supposed to last 8 weeks…It didn’t see its end until October of 1968.

Operation Rolling Thunder  was the name given to America’s sustained bombing campaign against North Vietnam during the Vietnam War. Operation Rolling Thunder was a demonstration of America’s near total air supremacy during the Vietnam War. It was started in an effort to demoralise the North Vietnamese people and to undermine the capacity of the government in North Vietnam to govern. Operation Rolling Thunder failed on both accounts.
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Boots, on the Ground


To America’s defenders:
Your boots have traversed across foreign, hostile soil on behalf of our sovereign country, we’ll never forget.

Thank You.

Here’s What’s New for 2015!

Picture of a Marine walking point for his unit during Operation Macon, 1966 Vietnam. (Photo credit: National Archives)

I want to share a  plan  for Maiden on the Midway in 2015.

I will continue as I am with minor additions as they come along, and one addition I hope to run weekly through the year. This idea came to me just today so it’s still a little rough around the edges but I should have it all ironed out by the 1st of the year.

What’s it going to cover?

Here’s a  HINT:  an excerpt from  Modern American Poetry:
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Vietnam – Tunnel Rats


It was the bravest of the brave who volunteered to enter the maze of tunnels, carved below the battlefields, A maze of hiding places, boobie traps and weapon cashes. The men that dared the dark underworld of the Viet-cong were to become know as the

Tunnel Rats of Vietnam

‘The War They Fought’– Vietnam 1/6


This film documents the Vietnam War in the words of American Soldiers who served their country.
It features home movies and rare archival footage collected during a worldwide search.
Many scenes are graphic in nature, viewer discretion is advised.